The challenges of Baking In Humidity.

For those of us looking to make a career from baking in a tropical climates, humidity can be a stubborn heifer especially when it comes to cake decorating and working with butter creams and whipped cream and fondant. 'Well stick it in the fridge so it will harden up' they say, only to find out that humidity's cousin that old hag called condensation is patiently awaiting to screw things up. I cannot even begin to tell you of all the horror stories that I have lived through when it comes to decorating cakes in a humid climate. I once had an entire cake melt before my very eyes, it was devastating. But over the years I have worked out a few of the kinks that would enable any home baker working without the luxury of an air conditioned room to successfully bake and decorate cakes and other treats without falling victim to humidity.
So who is the person who claims to know such sacred things? Well, I am just a humble baker who lives on a tropical island in the Caribbean sea. I have been baking and decorating cakes for almost 8 years now. I also own a small cake business called Roanna Cakes and Treats which has been in business for over 4 years. I am a self-taught decorator, which means most of my knowledge is through trial and error, along with a few Craftsy classes. So basically, I am like most of you who will be reading this blog.
Just for good measure, this is the pic of the cake from hell that melted before my eyes. I had to do over the entire thing and it was still a hot mess! Uhgg!

I will be posting new articles at least once or twice a week depending on my schedule. I have some awesome recipes and tips coming up soon so please stay tuned and follow my blog if you are interested. 


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